Tuesday 14 July 2015

Governments Warn Their Citizens About Traveling to the U.S.

What do foreigners get warned about when traveling to the U.S.? (Photo: Michela Ravasio/Stocksy)
Being topless is outlawed, even for small girls. - German government
Avoid walking alone in less vibrant areas (parts of the Bronx in particular) and parks (including Central Park). - French government 
Don’t make flippant remarks about bombs or terrorism, especially when passing through U.S. airports. - British government
These are just a few of the warnings issued by governments abroad for anyone planning to travel to America. You can see what the world has to say about us via government websites (with a little help from Google translate) — and it’s pretty eye opening. 
The foreign views about our government (“During Obama’s time in power, America’s global power position eroded”), our laws (“The American authorities are extremely vigilant”), and our culture (“Breastfeeding of babies in public is indeed now the exception in [al]most every state of ‘indecent exposure’”), provide invaluable insight on how we, a reigning superpower, are viewed (or stereotyped) around the world today.
From insulting to spot-on and some even “seriously, WTF?” — here are a few of the most memorable bullet points from other countries’ ministries of foreign affairs about traveling to the U.S.

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