Saturday 20 August 2016

Rumors Suggest That Vin Diesel And The Rock May Be Taking Their Feud To Wrestlemania

Rumors Suggest That Vin Diesel And The Rock May Be Taking Their Feud To Wrestlemania

Written by Ana Krneta
There have been rumblings of discontent between the stars of the ‘Fast & Furious 8’ set. It all started when one of the stars, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson posted a message on social media seemingly calling out members of his cast, but never saying any names.
TMZ reported that it was directed towards Vin Diesel because the message had social media in an uproar wondering who Johnson was talking about in his post. It was obvious there was bad blood on set but it was still not clear what exactly had happened. 
Reportedly, it was due to creative differences between VIn and Dwayne. Vin is also a producer for the film so he may have gotten a big head and started to take more control over the process than Dwayne liked. According to TMZ, the two had to leave the set to talk out their differences.
It is not clear what kind of conclusion the two came to, but fans have gotten creative with how they think (and want) the two superstars to resolve their differences. They have taken to social media to post about their ideas. 
Social media has been super active with fan theories about what is going on between the two, and also how they wish to see them resolve it. A resounding desire among fans is that they want to see the two face off against each other in the ring at Wrestlemania.
One user wrote ‘ Please let Vin Diesel and The Rock fight at Wrestlemania. That’s all I want.’ Another got more specific with his theory and wrote ‘Fast 8 opens April 14. WrestleMania 33 is two prior. Odds we’re being trolled for a Rock-Vin Diesel fight at Mania are at least 50-50.’ That is the general sentiment among fans chiming in on the situation, and we can’t say that seeing those two in the ring wouldn’t be epic. 
Neither actor or the WWE has said anything in response to all the hoopla about it on social media, but even if they decided to do this after everyone started talking about it would be amazing. A great idea should not be ignored! Work out all your aggression boys and let us watch! 

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