Tuesday 29 July 2014

Did Snoop light up a joint in a White House bathroom?

Did Snoop light up a joint in a White House bathroom?

File this under, 'Stories that would be fun to believe.' Snoop Dogg says he smoked a joint in the White House.
On his internet talk show "Double G News Network," Snoop told Jimmy Kimmel that he got high in the White House, though he asserted he smoked in a restroom, which he suggested was somehow not part of the building.
"In the bathroom, not in the White House, but in the bathroom,” the rapper claimed. 
White House bathrooms, to be clear, are not outhouses. They are inside the famous building.
"I said, 'May I use the bathroom for a second?' And they said, 'What are you gonna do, Number 1 or Number 2?' I said, 'Number 2,'" Snoop said, claiming he was speaking to the "the CIA or the FBI.” 
The Secret Service, the only agency providing security at the White House, had no immediate comment on Snoop’s claim.
"So I said, 'Look, when I do the Number 2, I usually, you know, have a cigarette or light something to get the aroma right.' And they said, 'Well you know what? You can light a piece of napkin.' I said, 'I'll do that.'” 
“And the napkin was this," Snoop said, taking puffs on what appeared to be a rolled joint.
Snoop, formerly known Snoop Doggy Dogg and Snoop Lion, is legally named Calvin Broadus.
He attended a White House reception last December while in Washington to perform at the 36th annual Kennedy Center awards. 
A video of him fist-bumping with Secretary of State John Kerry drew wide attention at the time.
Snoop's claim comes shortly after Washington decriminalized possession of marijuana. It is now a civil offense in the District of Columbia, carrying just a $25 fine. But last December it was still a crime in Washington, and certainly not encouraged within the White House.

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